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Past Life Regression

Past Life Hypnosis Spiral GalaxyPast Life Regression

Have you ever found yourself being drawn to certain time periods, events, or places?  Have you ever experienced "deja vu"? Would you like to meet your Spirit Guide (also referred to as Guardian Angel)? If so, you may find a Past Life Regression through hypnosis to be an exciting, eye opening journey.  Whatever your spiritual background is, if you have an interest in discovering for yourself what else is "out there", Past Life Regression is an ideal place to start.

There are those who believe adamantly that they lived a past life, those who are skeptical but open to the possibility,and many who do not believe in past lives.  You may be surprised to learn that early Christians believe in past lives and the Bible we refer to today mentions one such instance (Elijah who was reborn as John the Baptist).

When I first started offering these sessions, I believed that my clients subconscious minds, which is a creative and powerful force within each of us, was creating a metaphor designed for learning, growing and even healing.  I am now convinced of the validity of Past Lives after working with many clients who were able to recall accurate descriptions that they (and I) otherwise had no knowledge of until we researched it after their sessions. Through my experiences with Past Life Regression, I've come to believe that there is an universal consciousness that most of us are able to tap into to a greater or lesser degree.  What I can tell you is that these experiences are vivid, powerful, meaningful and healing.

It's important to keep in mind that every person's experience is unique.  While some may find the roots to deeply embedded fears or beliefs, others may experience a very ordinary life in a different century, time and place.  There is no way to know what's on the other side of the door we will be opening as you begin your journey.  Please know, however, that whatever we discover, you will be safe and where there was trauma, we will find healing together. You can read some examples of my real life Past Life Experiences here.

Benefits of Past Life Regression:

*Most people find that they no longer fear death
*Reveals a larger perspective of life in general, resulting in increased compassion and caring for yourself and others
*Many people will find the root of current issues and in most cases, those issues will be resolved or greatly diminished
*Most clients will be granted the opportunity to meet their personal Spirit Guide and ask questions about the purpose and reason for this incarnation

Your session can take up to four hours, so please keep that in mind when viewing my availability page. Although you will be unable to book a session through my website, please use the availability page to find  a time which works for you, and then contact me through the form below or by calling or texting me at 757-514-1415 to reserve your time. You will also need to download and complete the intake form found on this page and send it to liam1722068643E yM1722068643  at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Disclaimer: If you have never had any experience with hypnosis, I highly recommend an optional pre-session so that you can experience hypnosis in a comfortable session in which you will not be asked to speak. This session will greatly increase your ability to go into a deeper state required for Past Life or Journey Between Life sessions.  It is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.  


Text or call me at 757-514-1415 with any questions or concerns. Text is the fastest way to reach me. You can also email me by using the email link below. If you prefer to fill out a form, go to my Contact Page.

A New Leaf Hypnotherapy
Email Me
Community Solutions
5752 Princess Anne Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23462